Showing 13–18 of 18 results

Anatometal Prongset Navel Curve

Internally threaded navel curve with prongset gems. 14g (1.6mm) with 6mm fixed bottom gem with 4mm internally threaded top. Implant grade ASTMF-136 titanium. Handcrafted by Anatometal.

Anatometal Pushpin Gem Straight Barbell

Threadless 14g (1.6mm) straight barbell, with 4mm fixed gem bead on one side, and a pushpin gem bead on other side. ASTM F-136 implant grade titanium. Handcrafted by Anatometal.

Anatometal Pushpin Marquise Gem Straight Barbell

Threadless 14g (1.6mm) straight barbell, with 4mm fixed marquise cut Prongset gem on one side, and a pushpin marquise cut prongset gem on other side. ASTM F-136 implant grade titanium. Handcrafted...

Anatometal Threadless labret

Threaded post with fixed disk. No ball included! Available in 16g (3mm fixed disc). Implant grade titanium ASTM F-136. Highly polished. Handcrafted by Anatometal.

NeoMetal 14g Curved Barbell Shaft Only

Threadless curved barbell made in USA by NeoMetal. 14g Curved Barbell Shaft only. Compatible with any of our pushpin ends! Available highly polished, or anodised to a yellow or rose colour. ASTM...

Highly polishedAnodised yellowAnodised rose

Anatometal Spike Threaded End

Spike End Threaded 16g (1.2mm) and 14g (1.6mm) In various sizes. Compatible with any of our internally threaded posts/barbells. Implant Grade Titanium ASTM-F136 Handcrafted by Anatometal *Please note: this is for...

£25.00 – £30.00 Select optionsSelect options